Sunday, February 26, 2012

weird/normal love.

When a boyfriend types to his girlfriend on Facebook chat, and his girlfriend types back, and the boyfriend and girlfriend both have profile pictures of them together, then the chat box looks like a two-bodied, hybrid creature is having a conversation with itself.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Advice for a Young Woman Who Suddenly Finds Herself as a Mermaid Without a Man Or, Between Us Girls

They say the whole world is carried

on one turtle’s back. This weight might be kinder

and lighter than a man’s guilt

which fills me— in this case, I’m the vase.

His eyelight looks out my eye holes until

I can’t see the horizon—

far off and clear, as water

in a light bulb.

Dry your eyes, Precious, water counts for

less now—

where currents take us up

as indifferently as a cat licks its ear.

Maybe I’ll put it this way—

I don’t know how to talk to you about you

as I can hardly talk about me, because

what we are now is something as delicate

as an achew

that bursts into the world,

unsure where it came from—

dumbfounding the fish.

That isn’t funny.

What I can tell you is:

it’s dark out there. Don’t mistake the yellow shoreline

for safety; it’s just a place for whales to beach.


This isn’t the creek

you first found your feet in.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Proteus and the Scuba Diver

Super Bowl commercials make sports cars out of women,
& the remote yeilds 10,000 static-ether surfaces.

Peter is channel surfing.
Candy shapes,

ribbon-legs, and Old Spice clamour to spike
the dumb stone we are carved from, to
crawl right out from the screen and kiss
us on the lips. In
the mean time, we hump beer kegs.

& Later,

in bed with Peter,
his arms go around-- what?
While he pulls in breath

so sleepy & desperate, as a red man tanked & hosed underwater,
I flicker as a sentinal of shapes: a bird, a jug, six

dominoes, sedge along a creek bed. click
like a t.v. set.

click, click click.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I got shot in The Fort for my beauty.

Monday, February 6, 2012

will shakespeare

Is a double entendre.

It means lust and penis,

as well as

desire to move the pen.