Monday, January 2, 2012

Imagining backwards from the future

If my future progeny, one-hundred years from now, want to imagine their granny in 2012, they have to imagine a young woman, tense and worried, sifting through a vintage antique shop housing plates furniture clothes figurines hats candles light fixtures paintings and jewelrly from the 1950's 60's and 70's. She picks up items then sets them down ten or forty minutes later, asking herself questions like, should I buy something to justify the amount of time I spent here? Does indecision plague me on every detail of my life? Should I get this silk maroon dress because the price is low and I like it? Or should I put it back because I don't love it? Does anything matter enough to feel certain for? I should either get the three beer steins, gold evening bag, and dress, or nothing at all. Is everything trivial? The young woman leaves the shop, agonizes over the wording of a text message, rifles through all of her recycling to find one Important reciept, goes to bed early. Before she falls asleep, she thinks of presents she could get for her roommate, who is moving away soon. The golden age.

1 comment:

  1. Resolutions:

    1. Be more virtuous (especially brave and honest).
    2. Be more present with people and moment to moment. Stop interrupting. Stop planning.
    3. Give up all meat.
    4. Write every day.
    5. Read something good every day.
    5. Be a better dancer.
    6. Be nicer to Melissa.
    7. Enhance my powers of observation and memory.
    8. Sing.
    9. Only shop for groceries.
