Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I have a movie idea. Its called "Rematch"-- an indecisive woman re-dates every boyfriend she ever had in order to double check she didn't miss The One. Can she learn to trust fate before bringing the wrong man to her best friend's wedding and second-guessing herself into oblivion?

The B-story: Indecisive Girl has an assured best friend-- confident in her engagement to a handsome, successfull Indian man. The wedding finale takes place in Calcutta.

The premise is that indecision leads to misery. Of course the protagonist will move from indesicion to certainty... while the audience should move from certainty (they know how these movies go, they know what she needs) to uncertainty (IS fate working in our lives? IS the protag better off moving on to the next catch?) The B-story is the surrogate audience. Best Friend is the foil/reversal  of Main Girl.

Drawback: The main girl won't be likable enough and the audience will boo and throw popcorn at the screen.

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