Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Tyson Park Haiku Series

Ozone: three oxygyn
Atom warriors embrace--
Jealous lovers in air.

Freshwater water
Cress, pearls, green and wet, rush fast past
That three-headed frog.

A rusty route which
Leads to none but more
Sofas in the woods

Japanese beatle,
I found you in the earth, born
And raised, Tennessean.

Vested workers will
Plug holes with trees. Embankment,
Low risk of landslide.

Styrofoam cups dot
The hill, white dandelions
Find their home to please.

Dear Community,
Mobolize! We have a garden.
-The AmeriCorps

Last time we were here,
I saw someone from my class,
In my tennis shoes.

Tanks and trains, metal
And stain, a long procession.
The noise is nice.

Third Creek Trail, how I
Wish I saw a mermaid on
your cluttered banks.

1 comment:

  1. Your wish to see a mermaid may come sooner than expected.

    Also, I cannot put links into your comment box either... Hmm?
