Friday, December 2, 2011

theories of progress

1. Everything is getting better over time.
2. Everything is getting worse over time.
3. Everything does not progress or regress over time. Or, everything changes over time, but not for better or for worse.
4. Every life individually progresses, but things start again for the following generation.
5. Everything repeats through cycles of progression and regression.
6. Everything gets more complex over time. Where either (a) complexity equals progress or (b) complexity does not equal progress.
7. There is no time but the present. The past and future do not exist. Similar to point three?

"Everything" comes to mean the sum of existence, past and present, good and bad, where progress is +1, +2, +3... regress is -1, -2, -3 and no progress or regress is changes that cancel out always to 0.

In the case of theories 3 and 7, there is no historical entities to consider in the weighing in of everything in existence. There is not anchor of comparison over time. There is only the fleeting present.

In the case of theory 4, there is no "lump sum" or karmic unity between entities of the world. There is only individual merits, so one success is not connected to others' successes or failures.

A question: Is progress an unhelpful word if it can only be utilized in terms of better or worse? Success or fail? Even if we shy away from the extremes, by talking of "baby steps" and "gradualness"... that is the binary scale on which many of us measure.

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