Saturday, October 16, 2010

gut response, Woyzek dialogue

: I saw Woycek.

: Yea?

: I thought, I thought that in that scene? It could have been you, with that knife, I saw you there.

: What scene?

: The one. The one where he kills her.

: I’m not going to kill you!

: But you could!

: Lena!

: But you could! You could! You could! Oh my God its too terrible.

: Lena, I’m not going to kill you. I love you.

: That’s all it takes—he kissed her. He kissed her when he was doing it. Oh my God.

: Lena, Lena, stop. Stop it.

: I can’t, I can’t! Anything could happen--


: No its not like anyone's "crazy"! We just go to see the psychiatrist, you know, just in case we are.

: Covering all the bases?

: Exactly! Covering all the bases. In case.

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