: Clifford?
: Maybe.
: Just maybe? I love Clifford.
: What about Kevin?
Kevin? Kevin.
: Noooo! Noooo!
: Kevin! Kevin?
: No. Anything but Kevin.
: Why not Kevin? Kevin!
: Because it reminds me of dog food and bacon.
: Lord, Lucy. Tell me why Kevin reminds you of dog food and bacon.
: Well Kevin sounds like kibble, so theres that commercial kibble and bits... "kibbles and bits and mm mmm beefy bits!" ... and then bacon, well Kevin Bacon, obviously.
: Kevin Bacon.
: Yes.
: Kevin Bacon.
: Yes?
starts dancing towards Lucy
: We are going to name our son, Kevin Baconnnnn!
: Ew stop!
: Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon
They embrace
I cannot wait to read your play, if it's anything like this.