Friday, November 12, 2010

gut response, Translations dialogue

A: Sometimes I hear those sounds over the radio, and I get so frightened, especially when I’m alone. I switch the thing off, but that doesn’t always make me feel better.

B: You shouldn’t be afraid of music.

A: Well, if not music what should you be afraid of?

C: Its seems the literature and artistic endeavours of man will encapusulate some of his queries and miseries—can’t you be afraid of what you don’t know yet? Its what you fear that teaches you what you don’t know.

D: If you’re not scared, you’re not thinking.

C: Or is it the other way around?

E: I’d ruther be a brave fool anyhow.

D: And we love you for it, Beuford.

E: Damned pig robot should be scair’t of the things that he don’t understand. I’ll teach him to be.

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