Monday, November 15, 2010

how does a cyborg die?

I had not thought of this before. In renaissance literature, humans and the physical world are seen as corrupt because their elements aren't mixed correctly. Consequently, they are mortal and subject to decay. On the other hand, ethereal beings are perfectly mixed and are thus eternal.

If a cyborg is built from replaceable parts, heals and grows from synthetic systems, and is immortal because of this, it either defies renaissance logic or is incorporated into the mental paradigm as a holy being. Whoever can kill a cyborg is probably a devil of sorts. Or someone who can unmix the balance... if that is possible. Descent into corruption and sin usually is depicted as a matter of choice and agency, not forced placement.

So. A cyborg dies by descending into human sin. Once tarnished and weakened by this transition, he is killed. He would be killed by simple violence-- off-stage, in the fashion of the Greeks. This is all fuzzy logic of course.

1 comment:

  1. If I were a cyborg. I think I would die with every update.
