Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Tonight I saw the moon
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Jack 'n Jill
And I hope they admired the setting sunset there at the summit-- the sky embroidered the color of an old children's book page, and I hope they finally got a drink of water before setting back down the hill again. And I hope when they did fall, Jack's mouth softly O-ing and Jill's toe finding the same tough patch or banana peel or slick spot from the slashing water, that they had the gentlest of tumbles like lazy roses somersaulting, barely loafing the grass-- pulling down from the clouds.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
This is Coming a Little Late
translated wiki page: franz paul
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
compound words
voice mailbox
voicemail box
I had a voice that I shipped in the mail via a cardboard box. Passing by, I heard a voice inside the mailbox so I left a voicemail about the cardboard box. Take the voice I mailed you in the box outside of the the mailbox with the voice in it so it's not threatened in there all alone with a disembodied echo talking to it.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Social Suicide
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Lost 'N Found
My sister built a tree fort with her own bare hands. she rigged a platform and a rope ladder to scale the trunk, climb to the top and peek into the far off ocean. Inside the fort, a kettle sits at a small wood stove, but it's just for show. There is no fire in the tree fort. There is also a fake bathtub and a fake fridge-- a fake gaslight and a fake hose. About the only thing that's real in my sister's tree fort is a rug that we both curl up on, and of course the view.
One summer, I went up to visit my sister in her tree fort. At first she would not let me in. She drew up the rope ladder like a draw bridge and said, "No girls allowed." I didn't say anything, but curled up at the base of the tree, right in the roots, until I looked like one, and cried and cried and cried. Then she let me up and fed me circus peanuts.
From that day on she let me tend the imaginary fire and send imaginary smoke signals into the air. (We weren't really trying to find anyone.)
And no one tried to find us.
And things were fine, nay great, until my sister's drinking problem led me to sit up from my corner of the rug one pale, lukewarm night and exclaim, "Sister-- it's me or the booze."
She muttered that she didn't know what I meant, that I was naive, ungrateful. We shuffled around each other for days in the tree fort. Tequila dripped from the floor boards to the thirsty frogs below.
I am not a large girl, but I do not fit so well in my sister's tree fort. I stub my toes, and thwap my forehead, and rake my knuckles. The mini mirror, should it shine, reflects only my waist. The mini rug, should it have tassles, tickle my lip. The mini shower, should it work, wets only my shins.
I don't know why I came here. I don't know why I show up anywhere. If I leave, I'd like my sister to throw her arms around my knees and beg and beg for me not to go.
"It will be terrible here with out you!" She'd say. I do not tell her my secret wish.
"Narcissist," she'd hiss.
Today my sister is kicking me out of the tree fort. She says I have the drinking problem, not her. I don't think that's right. Before I leave, she pulls out a brown cardboard box. LOST 'N FOUND it says on the side.
"Give back everything I gave you," she says, but I don't know what she's talking about. She shakes the box at me so I take off all my rings and bracelets.
"Such a selfless martyr," she says, and I am ashamed.
"The car keys too. You can't drive drunk." I throw them in there.
I peer one last time in the box before I leave. Little mice crawl around my things.
Down in the forest, I weave among the trees and miss the parties with imaginary tea I had with my sister.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Cloth in the Sun
I'm pretty sure I don't want to write long hand on paper when, my whole life, I've typed poems on the computer. I get what they mean about distractions and the internet, turning your phone off ect. BUT at the same time, why would I ignore digital technology? Yes my attention span is impaired... but it seems untrue to write my observations down in a hand-made journal in the woods rather than pluck my ideas out of my iphone notes and type them out to my blog. The critic in me is persistant.
So today, in the workshop, I am writing (long-hand) my page-long shpeil about a charged kid memory about a kitchen, but it doesnt interest me, no matter how "real" or "honest" I get. It might be interesting, but not to me.
Instead, I want to write about this folded cloth on the porch across the street from my sister's apartment in Bloomington, Indiana. It met the sun just so, that I thought it must be a cat-- the intention that it sat with, when the rest of of the porch was shaded.
But instead of just saying that-- I am qualifying it with contexts and complaints because I feel the creep of preciousness encrouching in from these workshops about The Senses and things we Remember.
Maybe it's becuase I'm looking out whats coming out the end of my pen like its some fecal dung thinking "what the fuck is this? is this my voice? so lame" I'm thinking that because its not actually terrible, or great. It's fine. Which is unnacceptable. I want different standards.
I missed my blog today.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Who are you?
I know who I am.
I'm. I feel weak.
Spit it out.
I'm a season that hasnt been invented yet. I'm spring falling backward into winter. So sudden, I feel the rug pulled out.
Don't say that, you have websites and blogs to remind you you are beautiful with confidence, mascara, and a few well coordinated clothing items. Repeat after me: silly, fierce, beautiful.
This might work.
I think this these words, once well meant, have fashioned into commercial vultures-- or deer (over run, and stripping off the bark of unpecked, unscathed langauge)).
Until I wake up at age 85, as if untucked from my bar booth. I'll look around and rub my eyes.
I'll wake up my husband, but he wont wake up no matter how hard I try.
Don't die. You can't die.
How did I get here? I'll say over and over to myself. How did I get here? I can't believe it. I'll hold my pale arms up in front of my face turn my hands around and around.
My husband wont wake up. How did I get here? I say.
I bang my knees on boudair furniture as I clamour,
crawl away from the bed. It's not morning then.
But it's not dark--
Just dark wood.
I am an umbrella with sun on the inside, I wash
out nightlights left on for passed out drunks.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Is Jess in a Cult?
Eva: I am not seeing him. I am seeing him insofar as that we are hanging out, but we're not dating.
Sal: But you're kissing him.
Eva: Ya'll! He's kissing me with my puffy cheeks.
Sal: Post-surgery? Ewww.
Eva: Yes. He's like looking in my eyes and kissing me, but my face is swollen and my lips are numb. I couldn't feel the kiss.
Sal: That's weird.
Taylor: Jess is in a Cult.
Sal: Oh my god, Taylor.
Eva: What?
Taylor: She is.
Sal: No she's not.
Taylor: Jess is in a Cult. I yell it out like I'm joking, but I'm only talking about it all the time becuase I'm worrying about it. 'Jess is in a cult' haha but seriously... Jess is in a cult.
Eva: Why do you think she's in a cult?
Taylor: I looked it up online and what's she's told us about her "group therapy" fits almost everything. Loss of ego... cutting ties with friends and family.
Sal: What I think is going on here is Jess is doing something not considered normal. But that isn't bad. We just don't know.
Taylor: You heard her talk about it when we visited.
Eva: This was going on when you guys went up there?
Taylor: Yeah, and like, people can change a lot and I get that, but Jess has never been a "group" person, and now she's relying on this group-
Sal: We don't know that.
Taylor: Yes she is! They told her to give up photography, and she did. Giving up your passion for the group is a sign.
Sal: But was photography really her passion?
Taylor: I think she really liked it.
Sal: And they didn't tell her to give it up, they told her that they didn't see her passion in the photographs that she brought in and then she decided to set it aside for awhile.
Taylor: This isn't a photography group. So why are these people even telling her stuff about her art? They aren't even real physchologists-- they're like people who think they know how to help. But they're not even educated--
Sal: We don't know--
Taylor: They call each other names like Laughing Dolphin and Red Bear.
Sal: This might be a positive thing for Jess if she's feeling lost in the city.
Eva: I mean I know the difference between doing something different and outside your comfort zone and... drinking the koolaide.
Taylor: Jess is more... susceptible... now, to this stuff. she's way wrapped in it. They told her to cut her ties to her friends and family.
Sal: No they didn't.
Taylor: Yes they did, didn't you hear her say that?
Sal: No I don't remember.
Taylor: Look there's a deer.
They all look.
Taylor: It ran away. She told us that they straight up told her to stop talking to her friends and family back home.
Sal: I mean her mom is actually crazy.
Taylor: My mom is actually crazy, but I don't need somone saying, "you don't need to talk to her anymore." Friends wouldn't do that. Eva wouldn't do that.
Sal: Yeah.... We just don't know how they're talking to her, what they are saying. We could have found out if we went to the meeting. She asked us to go. She wasn't being secretive. That's not cultish, being... unsecretive.
Taylor: I'm glad we didn't. I asked like can we just listen? Because in highschool if I went to those bible studies where people talked in tongues, Maggie told me I didn't have to participate. Maggie is the one who brought me. But Jess said that if we went, we had to talk. And I was like, I don't want to talk. I'm freaked out that they would... like attack me. Like whatever I said. And I'd probably just blurt out oh my God you guys are in a cult. And if I said that I don't want to talk, then they would talk about why I didn't want to talk, and ask me questions about it--
Sal: Like "Why do you feel uncomfortable sharing with strangers? Why do you assume that you will be attacked or critisized if you talk about yourself?"
Taylor: Yeah...
Sal: (to Eva) Do you think its weird, to make everyone one-- strongly encourage everyone, to participate?
Eva makes a face like 'thats drinking the koolaide'.
Taylor: I am just freaked out if I went to something like that, they'd make me feel like the crazy one and they'd be the sane ones.
Sal: We just don't know. We don't know what's going on.
Taylor: You don't want to know what's going on. You are not thinking about it at all so you don't have to worry.
Sal: There is a thin line between cult and... say in Eastern philosophies, in Buddism, when you have a spiritual guide or a guru, they run your life. That's a path to enlightenment, and brainwashing to others.
Taylor: I've read that book too.
Sal: What book. There's lots of books?
Taylor: In highschool... Mrs. Hughes, Siddhartha.
Eva: This is like Waiting for Godot, except it's waiting for a cult.
Taylor: I hate that play.
Sal: The cult is everywhere, the cult is nowhere.
Taylor: I just feel like a bad friend, the cult thing makes me want to run away and have nothing to do with it. If we were closer I could talk to her. We used to talk a lot freshmen year right when she moved out there, but in the last two years we havent hardly at all. And I can't come out of the blue and say hey we haven't kept up with eachother, you are in a cult.
Eva: I've got to run.
Sal: Okay, see you soon?
Eva: Yeah, I've got a job interview tomorrow, so after that. Tylers driving out there with me. You know, just pecking kissing is getting boring. We can't do more than that because--
she gestures to to her mouth.
Eva: You know.
Sal: Ew.
Taylor: Tyler is a racist. But I love you.
Eva: I love you too.
Sal: See you soon.
Eva: Okay bye!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
my new BFF
Monday, May 28, 2012
Do you get it?
Maybe one day you didn't get it, but that can change, and you can get it. Sometimes it never changes and you will never get it. Once you get it, doesn't mean you always got it. But you can never forget it. But dont trust remembering it. Try to forget it. And get it again. You can't get it from a person if you don't have it. But you can't have it unless you get it from a person. Sometimes.
There should be an eyebrow/handshake code so those of us that get it can find others. We can take turns running towards each other, then running away.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Shakespeare Beginnings
In Winter's Tale, Leontes's jealousy loses him his family and best friend. But what caused the jealousy? It was disproportionately engaged after Hermione convinced Polixenes to stay longer on Leontes's behalf. Like a switch turned on, Leontes turns completely away from his former character of restraint and reasonableness and into a paranoid hater. In my book on playwriting by Lajos Egri, this sort of "jump" in conflict is bad writing: "between winter and summer come autumn and spring.... there are steps which lead from one to the other. Every step must be taken" (Egri 155). Leontes's steps are compressed-- and as unnatural as time moving backward: he is spring, then winter. (The overall play structure, however, moves nicely from winter in the first half (I-III) to spring in the second (IV and V)). The catalyst is on stage this time in Act I, but something is missing... hidden from the audience.
I think Shakespeare was an early Logician. To supremely capture humans, as he does, one must acknowledge cause and effect,but also flout it. There are certainly a ton of cases where Shakespeare builds steady action-- but there is a signature, jarring effect. I would illustrate with more examples but its summer time and no one reads this blog anyway. The highest degree of conflict comes from pattern breaking, disruptions, unpredictability. Steve Martin, before he became and comedian and a playwright said this of his undergrad program of study: "I majored in philosophy. Something about non-sequiters appealed to me. In philosophy, I started studying logic, and they were talking about cause and effect, and you start to realize, 'Hey, there is no cause and effect! There is no logic! There is no anything!' Then it gets real easy to write this stuff [stand up routines]"... (from Wikipedia).
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I am very pleased with this metaphor.
The B-story: Indecisive Girl has an assured best friend-- confident in her engagement to a handsome, successfull Indian man. The wedding finale takes place in Calcutta.
The premise is that indecision leads to misery. Of course the protagonist will move from indesicion to certainty... while the audience should move from certainty (they know how these movies go, they know what she needs) to uncertainty (IS fate working in our lives? IS the protag better off moving on to the next catch?) The B-story is the surrogate audience. Best Friend is the foil/reversal of Main Girl.
Drawback: The main girl won't be likable enough and the audience will boo and throw popcorn at the screen.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Found Poem-- Craigslist Pet Ads.
You are his life, his love, his Rabies Vaccination
This girl will be a big girl
I would prefer she have a playmate
I have one
Would like to trade her for pr of parakeets
but thats just something I want
The dogs below are in need of more information
He LOVES men,
rough play,
being able to run/hunt freely
and just laying in the shelter
He is a very good boy and needs a very good sliding lid and overhead lamp
Forever Home.
but thats just something I want
small rehoming fee of 100 (cash only)
to ensure. i need to be sure
i need to rehome
but thats just something I want
I do not have "papers" for him
That is really not as big a deal as some folks think it is
Purring is just one of the things she does best
but she kills chickens
That is really not as big a deal as some folks think it is
Monday, April 23, 2012
Winters Tale act IV scene iv
Still betters what is done. When you speak, sweet.
I'ld have you do it ever: when you sing,
I'ld have you buy and sell so, so give alms,
Pray so; and, for the ordering your affairs,
To sing them too: when you do dance, I wish you
A wave o' the sea, that you might ever do
Nothing but that; move still, still so,
And own no other function: each your doing,
So singular in each particular,
Crowns what you are doing in the present deed,
That all your acts are queens.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
tales of nola
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Mulch Fire, 2012
Besides that, the whole outdoors smells like barbecue and the air irritants make my eyes water, which confuse me into thinking I am sad.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Play Ideas
Little girl fish panic when they learn the biggest of their brood will turn into males. "I don't want to be a boyyyy!"
long play: Murder Ballad Play
A young sociologist researches women in abusive relationships. The history and confusion of violence and love wash over her. Celtic couple 1700's; appalachian couple 1800's; modern day researcher 2000.
short play: Bears in the Snow, Kite Flying Stoned
Two roommates discover they are dating the same guy. The Ice Queen visits and turns the guy into a statue.
short play: A Girl Turns Slowly into A Tree
A girl turns slowly into a tree. Football Dudes litter.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The hiking poem
Friday, March 23, 2012
Shakespeare and... Science Fiction?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
a vehical of language
Sunday, February 26, 2012
weird/normal love.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Advice for a Young Woman Who Suddenly Finds Herself as a Mermaid Without a Man Or, Between Us Girls
They say the whole world is carried
on one turtle’s back. This weight might be kinder
and lighter than a man’s guilt
which fills me— in this case, I’m the vase.
His eyelight looks out my eye holes until
I can’t see the horizon—
far off and clear, as water
in a light bulb.
Dry your eyes, Precious, water counts for
less now—
where currents take us up
as indifferently as a cat licks its ear.
Maybe I’ll put it this way—
I don’t know how to talk to you about you
as I can hardly talk about me, because
what we are now is something as delicate
as an achew
that bursts into the world,
unsure where it came from—
dumbfounding the fish.
That isn’t funny.
What I can tell you is:
it’s dark out there. Don’t mistake the yellow shoreline
for safety; it’s just a place for whales to beach.
This isn’t the creek
you first found your feet in.